Interracial Wisdom: What Should I Expect From A White Supremacist

The same thing you would expect from Satan. A liar. The whole system of white supremacy hinges upon a lie. A lie demonstrated in every activity of human life. Economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war/counter-war. If there is information to be desired, the white supremacist will distort it and use it as a weapon to harm Black Americans. They are master liars. Hence the widening black and white wealth gap. When they see the gap closing, they shift and produce more lies. They are master liars.

When they speak, expect them to lie. Do not get upset or frustrated. It is their nature to lie. Lying for them is the same as breathing air. You will hear one talk about antiwhite behavior, but mysteriously leave out the widening black and white wealth gap. You will hear one talk about black Americans on welfare, when the majority of white business owners are floating on governmental handouts from black tax dollars. You will see one white community dismiss from a black community and still take tax dollars from the community that broke away. They will have no Library and no school and will have to use the resources of neighboring cities. They will lie about history and have a white woman like Megyn Kelly tell the world that Jesus was white. Because its written in your Bible right? No. What should I expect from a white supremacist? Expect to be lied to. If you start here, then everything else will run smooth. Because you cannot be deceived, when you understand the nature of a person.

There is a difference between a white person and a white supremacist. A white person married to Jesus is not a white supremacist. White supremacy is as much a religion as Christianity. White Christian nationalist are white supremacist. Why do they call themselves Christian? Because white supremacist are liars. We went over that. Everything they say, should be verified. Your default when dealing with a white supremacist is to expect them to lie. A foolish person believes that Satan has an interest in your welfare. No, whatever he says, will lead you to hell. He will use a small truth as bait, but the lie will negate the truth and make the whole thing a lie. So, expect a white supremacist to lie.

Do I twist and turn? No. I keep my affections on things above, my heart is in heaven, and my eyes are fixed on the Lord.


  1. Many of the uneducated whites are learning this themselves. Many of them took for granted their seamless transactions in the world. They always expected to get fair treatment in buying and selling a home. They were unaware of the white supremacists that have infiltrated law enforcement and the military. The uneducated class which is the majority are learning about the unpaid debt owed to black American slave descendants.


  2. The interracial dispensation is unlocking the secrets of the past and dismantling the system of white supremacy by telling the truth. Every interracial marriage is a billboard against the lies of the past. Walking billboards speaking the opposite of its predecessors that stood as the mouthpiece of God lying on him about interracial marriage.

    God opening wombs left and right and disproving the pseudoscience of the days of black American slavery.


  3. The statement suggests that when encountering individuals who uphold white supremacy, it’s expected for them to lie effortlessly, as lying is inherent to their nature. They may selectively omit facts, such as the widening wealth gap between Black and white communities, and perpetuate stereotypes like Black Americans relying on welfare, while benefiting from governmental support funded by Black tax dollars. Additionally, they may exploit resources from Black communities without contributing back, further perpetuating inequality.


  4. I like that your answer to the titled question distinguishes between a white person and a white supremacist, highlighting that not all white individuals subscribe to supremacist ideologies. I never thought of white supremacy being viewed as a religion, but it does make sense. Since the term religion is a set of beliefs.

    What is your answer for whites that do not subscribe to white supremacist ideologies and do not possess the power to make a political difference for the payment of reparations?


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