Why A New Mixed Race Generation Helps Solve Racism


There is an article that posits that A New Mixed Race Generation Will Not Solve Racism and while I agree with the statement in general, I believe a new mixed race generation helps solve racism. White supremacy is multilayered and will take multiple layers to dismantle it. Colorism is the fear of mainly black women concerning a new generation of mixed race people. We can already see biracial children filling the television screen.

Removing the dark black stigma or the effects of post traumatic slave syndrome will require an examination of our words when raising black children. If you are a Christian, your conversation should be that of the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, we know that cultural terminology often seeps into Biblical Christianity on both the black side and white.

Interracial marriage is a beautiful step and some of their offspring have had the loudest voices in our community toward justice and equality for all. Frederick Douglass, Colin Kaepernick, Jesse Williams, and Shaun King to name a few.

Some of the husbands and wives of interracial couples have made differences in social justice as well:




Robert Smith married to Hope Dworaczyk pays off student loan debt for Morehouse College Entire Graduating Class.


Intermix Store Opening



Kanye West and Kim Kardashian West make moves toward prison reform, Kim helping release prisoners, and Kanye donated $1 million toward the effort.








Byron Allen and his wife Jennifer Lucas battle Comcast over racial discrimination case that has ripple effects for black Americans.




Laws against interracial marriage were written for a reason. To maintain the system of white supremacy. White supremacy is a family business and when the family becomes mixed it becomes to difficult to maintain the same allegiance. To say interracial marriage is adverse to black empowerment is illogical. Who understands both sides, like a biracial child? How many black football players do you know that stand for social justice? It took a biracial child, Colin Kaepernick, to do that.

Interracial marriage is saving America and its increase will only make America stronger.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).

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