Another Angry White Male: Dayton Ohio Shooter

Screen Shot 2019-08-04 at 8.14.58 AM.pngA gunman wearing body armor and carrying extra magazines opened fire in a popular nightlife area of Dayton, Ohio, killing nine and injuring dozens, authorities say. In less than 24 hours this is a second white supremacist terrorist attack.

“The officers were there less than a minute from the beginning of the shooting. One shooter was able to kill nine people and injure 26 in less than a minute?”

As these stories become more and more common the same solutions are always being brought up. Gun control. The biggest problem to this solution is Americas two-tier justice system. You will not keep guns out of the hands of white supremacist.

If the government would be honest about the growing epidemic, the infiltration of white supremacist in the military and law enforcement and the two-tiered language that is used about their motive, we would see a change.

These white supremacist males are using the same playbook and have the same speech in online chat rooms. They get stirred up and recruited and carry out atrocities that hopefully awake white people into putting uppity black people who date and/or marry white people in their place.

Until next time. Let’s see how many times we need to circle the desert, like the people of Israel, when they did not like God’s solution for their problems.


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