Democratic Parties Failure to Pay Foundational Black American Reparations Could Pave Trump’s Path to Victory in Battleground States

Former President Donald Trump is on track to win 20% or more of the Black vote in November, biting into President Biden’s base and tipping the numbers in his favor nationally and, more importantly, in battleground states.

An average of recent polls shows Mr. Trump leading in the seven swing states that will likely determine who will control the White House next year.

The former president’s advantage among voters averages from a bare lead of 0.1 percentage points in Wisconsin to nearly 5 points in Arizona, North Carolina and Nevada, according to RealClearPolitics.

In nearly all the polls, Mr. Trump was ahead of Mr. Biden in the swing states with the help of Black voters that have abandoned President Biden in significant numbers, mostly over not paying reparations to Foundational Black Americans. The Foundational Black American citizen has largely backed the Democratic Party and after 8 years of Obama and his former VP, now president, they are largely in the same economic position. In fact, a recent article came out mentioning that it would take 320 years for Foundational Black Americans to reach parity with white Americans.

Middle-class and working-class Blacks are marrying at record interracial marital rates, especially black men. Black men that marry white American women tend to vote Republican. The increasing rates of interracial marriage and the push for a change in their economic position is a driving factor, leading many of them to leave the Democratic group think.

If Mr. Trump increases his support among Black voters by just a few percentage points, it could cost Mr. Biden swing states, six of which he narrowly won in 2020 and where registered Black voters make up 5% to 30% of the electorate.

On average, 23% of Black voters backed or leaned toward Mr. Trump, up from 9% who said they voted for him in 2020 and a 19% jump from the same poll four years ago, when just 4% planned to vote for him.


  1. FBA/ADOS should vote down ballot in large numbers to send a message that our voice matters. Waiting another 300+ years for parity with white Americans is absurd. This is America and we should want our Constitution to mean something. Justice and equity for all.


  2. we know this world is perishing and sin will wax worse. We know we are assigned persecution, trials, and tribulations. We also know that we have access to God through prayer and at His request, He told us to ask of Him. So let us ask the Lord for mercy and a blessing. We pray for Him to infiltrate our leaders and garnish favor to make right the wrong done to Foundational Black Americans. Let’s seek the Lord and perhaps, he may leave a blessing.


  3. The arguments of Jews being behind the interracial movement is falling flat. The arguments that normally uphold white supremacists views are becoming more and more stretched. The world is recognizing that white supremacy is the only obstacle to good order and discipline and by upholding this unjust system, it creates all kinds of dysfunction throughout the systems of the world.


  4. The political climate is getting interesting. Black Americans are slow on the uptake and usually it takes them decades before they awaken to the newest hoodwink.

    This latest election for the US President will be American Descendants of Slaves report card. Foundational Black Americans will reveal whether they are ready to be promoted from poverty to middle class, like your average white American.


  5. If we are going to be honest about black plight, we must be honest about white supremacy. We must also be honest about interracial marriage. It it the only institution that solidifies integration. Everything else is cosplay. True integration is marrying one another without any racial reservations. Hearts intertwined and divorced from the economic penalty of blackness.

    God often uses marriage as the relationship we have with Him. Because marriage is integration. God’s Holy Spirit marries our spirit and through this bond we get acceptance into His heaven. Apart from God’s Spirit, divorced, you have no rights. Very similar to someone divorced from a spouse. Rights and privileges are revoked. Interracial marriage is a crucial piece for American exceptionalism.


  6. The interracial institution is not only sweeping the North American continent, but the South American continent as well. The White Hispanic community is finding solace in President Trump and their interracial numbers are also going up. Of course, White women to date are the most preferred among all races and Black men are taking advantage of the increasing demand for them as well.


  7. While the devil wants to promote the LGBTQAI lifestyle and fornication and adultery among the heterosexual, the interracial community overcome him through prayer and fidelity with God’s Word.


  8. The interracial marital rates among black men and white women are only moving forward because of the propaganda for this union. SYSBM have written a book about marrying white women. White girls through pornography and their TikTok’s are only increasing their desirability. A woman who praises a man will always be highly sought after by men. White women are expert ego strokers.


  9. The anti-interracial propaganda is growing. They are taking notice of the interracial movement and white supremacist are on high alert. The next scorched earth technique by the white supremacist will be a new disease.

    Covid slowed down interracial marriage as white supremacist communities melted together by homesteading.

    More and more businesses are calling its work from home personal back to the office and this threatens white supremacists as interracial workplaces foster interracial marriage.


  10. We ask the Lord to enter the voting booth and give us wisdom in our decision. Similar to the prayer of the disciples, when they looked for a replacement for Judas.


  11. This racist dumba** supports the white supremacist republican party and their anti-black agenda. Racist pieces of s**t like trump and white republicans will never give black people reparations, so why would they stupidly vote for them? The person who runs this blog is a delusional racist for supporting the white supremacist republican party.


    1. Black men are starting to understand that if they do what they have always done, they will be where they have always been. Put another way, doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result is insanity. There is no party that is not ruled by white supremacy, hence the word ‘supremacy’ but there are more effective ways to benefit ones community and open borders and the LGBTQAI is not one of them.


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