Interracial Dispensation or Great Replacement Theory?

The Great Replacement Theory is trending on twitter because of a speech made by Eva Vlaardingerbroek, which she gave at #CPACHungary. She spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end their civilization if they do not turn things around.

According to Elon Musk, the problem with “Great Replacement Theory” is that it fails to address the foundational issue of low birth rates. Record low birth rates are leading to population collapse in Europe and even faster population collapse in most of Asia. Immigration is low in Asia, so there is no “replacement” going on, the countries are simply shrinking away. If this doesn’t turn around, then any countries on Earth with low birth rates will become empty of people and fall into ruin, like the remains we see of the many long dead civilizations.

While the Great Replacement Theory has been widely dismissed by mainstream scholars as rooted in a misunderstanding of demographic statistics and based on an unscientific, racist worldview, it continues to find support among white nationalist movements. White supremacists have found that this theory is a useful rallying cry. Will it provide the outcome they seek? It is my understanding that the Great Replacement Theory becomes another tool ushering us into the fullness of the interracial dispensation. All this talk about race and its visibility and its discussion provides the context for increasing interracial love. For the United States population is not declining, in the midst of discussions here about the Great Replacement Theory. White female birth rates are not low. In fact, the biracial baby boom is only beginning and much of the population gain in the US is biracial babies.

In 2010, the US population was 308,745,538 and in 2020, the US population was 331,449,281. In those ten years the biracial children account for 9,262,366. Black people account for 1,747,378  and White people account for 11,693,999. For every one Black person there is nearly ten White persons being born in the US.

The interracial dispensation will remove ‘whiteness’ in so far as its definition in modern society. In the future, people will be defined by their allegiance to Jesus or the antichrist. There will be no white or black as we understand it today. All these things that we see and hear are preparing us for that day.


  1. Our enemy (Satan) has multiple tools that may be used to destroy us. There are millions of ways to enter hell and only one way to enter heaven. Our internal demon should be bound first before we seek to spoil our internal house. Then we must be vigilant to measure whether or not we have fuel to pull others out of the fire. At the same time, never forgetting that the gospel according to God is for the few. While God loves the world and will not deny any whose choose the cross, He and we know many will choose the broad way.

    Let us watch and pray.


  2. Interracial love is deliberate. It’s focused on making Christianity synonymous with Jesus Christ.

    Today, the Europeans in Europe interchange white and Christian. To them, Christianity is not a religion, but an ethnicity. They view it as a relationship with whiteness. They do not define Christianity as the religion that it is. Christianity is a set of beliefs based on one Savior named Jesus. A relationship with Him alone is the door that grants access to His kingdom. The only door that allows His creation to escape His wrath and not be slammed into hell.

    Watch out for those who say Christianity is a relationship. It is not a relationship with whiteness. It is a pure religion. Tampering with its definition is sin and will cause the Lord to attach multiple curses on your life.

    If you maintain God’s Word, in its purity, then the Lord will cause multiple blessings to be attached to your life.


  3. Since biracial children are considered black, those numbers are closer to the white population, then one and ten.

    Of course, after the close of the interracial dispensation, perhaps that designation will end.


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