Interracial Wisdom: Tailor Made

The LORD has made everything for His purpose–even the wicked for the day of disaster (Proverbs 16:4). For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. This is your purpose and why I designed the attraction. You were tailor made.

When you choose to fulfill your purpose then everything flows naturally and God’s window above your head is open. The prayers of the righteous avail much and God’s ear is open. When you call on the name of the Lord, He answers. Heaven is closed to the unrighteous and to them that are not following God’s design. You were tailor made to proclaim the goodness of God by your lifestyle of loving your husband and children. Husbands were called to love their wives as they love themselves. When you follow in the designers design, you place yourself in a position to receive God’s secrets. His secret is with the righteous. The revelation of God comes as well. So that you may be the perfect salt and light for the world.





  1. As interracial instruments for the interracial dispensation, you give hope to them that are waiting for the day when racism is put to a permanent sleep.


  2. Let the favor of God fall on this interracial marriage and others and may they become God’s delightful choice to lead our next generation.

    Interracial couples are longing for the day when the white supremacist is put to bed and energy is spent elsewhere.


  3. The flames of interracial love have been fanned. Unfortunately, white couples adopting black kids as slaves is also being fanned.


  4. The demands on your life will be great and many would be Christians are not built for the type of Christianity that God designed. This is too bad because the penalty is more than death. God will require your soul to suffer in hell after you die. It is better to marry then burn with sexual desire and it is better to suffer as a believer in Jesus. Suffering outside of God is the worse.


  5. If your passion is to serve the Lord, then God will reveal Himself. If He’s hidden, wait for Him. Perhaps the Lord is testing your faith and measuring how much of a blessing to give your persistence.


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