Interracial Wisdom: The Right Fit


The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5). When these things align we become the right fit. For the right fit is rooted in righteousness that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we receive the Lord in our hearts and the Holy Spirit is seated on the throne of our heart we can operate in a way that is right. For he who does righteousness is right. You know you are the right fit when God begins speaking and you enter a knowing. It is one thing to believe, like trembling demons, but are you following God after you know He exists?

You know you are the right fit when you follow God and honor His Word. You know you are the right fit when your expectation aligns with the Word and you are careful to commit to living holy and in alignment with the profession of love. For love must come from a pure heart. A heart that has been drenched in the blood of Jesus and sanctified by His Majesty. Ask the Lord for a clean heart and a renewed right spirit. So that you remain a right fit. For this will be tested.

Setting your heart on love is our personal responsibility and this may be done through thought (meditation) and prayer. Before you lie down and sleep, set your affections on the Lord and think upon His precious promise and how you may please Him and in the morning ask the Lord for direction and commit to please Him. Your deliberate action here will make you the right fit. Being the right fit may be altered because of demonic attack, IF, you fail to set those affections on God. It must be a daily discipline.

You were called to be together, now you are called to be the right fit. So that not only will the favor and blessings flow within your personal lives, but you will become a conduit to bring blessings to others and the family of God will grow.


  1. Also, the right fit is about your work ethics in how you show your willingness to take initiatives, make decisions, work in a team, and demonstrate your soft skills. 


  2. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared in a new interview that she had initial doubts about whether an intercultural and interracial relationship would be the right fit for her.

    Her relationship with Riley Roberts, who is white, sparked questions for her about identity and belonging.

    “I think it’s helpful and important to talk to other white people about racism, and I think a lot of people, they don’t want to be racist,” Roberts said in the Instagram Story.

    Interracial relationships are like any another relationship.


  3. The great things about being in an interracial relationship are numerous and varied. a number of the advantages include increased understanding and interaction between different countries, a far more diverse group of perspectives and tips, and a better sense of understanding and connection. also, interracial relationships usually lead to greater acceptance and knowledge of various cultures, and can help to break up barriers and stereotypes. there are many advantages to being in an interracial relationship, therefore the list is limited by the imagination. if you’re looking for a relationship that’ll enrich your daily life in many ways, then an interracial relationship may be the right option for you.


  4. Holy Spirit, please work God’s Will in our hearts, and if it may be our Father’s Will, please bring Black men and White women together across America, Europe, and the whole world, in Holy Matrimony that is supported and respected by all, including White men like me, and encouraged as the mission of the Christian faith.


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