Interracial Wisdom for the Birth Pains of the Interracial Dispensation

There is a war of words in this interracial dispensation. Do we use race, ethnicity, or nationality to define ourselves? What term determines whose White or European or Black or African? For the slope gets slippery when you define yourself by ethnicity and nationality because it crosses race. Charlize Theron is African American and White. Idras Elba is an English actor and Black. You have Black Americans and White Americans.

You have people parsing White Jew from White European or if you are Jewish, you are now not White by some in the Pro White Community. All these new designations are designed to confuse the victims of White Supremacy. Throw in more terms and more words and this creates more strife.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, we make everything black and white. You will either go to hell or heaven. You will either love God or hate Him. There is no grey area in salvation. You are either saved or unsaved. You are either a slave to righteousness or sin.

When it comes to proving White Supremacy always follow the money and point to the Black and White wealth gap. Ask why it exists and if the person does not mention slavery, then discontinue the conversation. Wealth is built over time, and what happens in that time will determine it. If a people who had nothing in slavery are given freedom without making them whole first, then no amount of work will close the gap created by slavery. Slavery is stolen money. Labor equals money and if you are unpaid for your labor and then suddenly freed, you have no economic base on which to build. Not rocket science.

The interracial dispensation is designed to restore Black Americans through the transmission of interracial collaboration that will lead to repair, but not without white supremacist fighting that change. They are fully aware of White Affirmative Action and land grants that Black Americans did not get. They are aware of the so-called handouts. They simply do not want to be on par with Black Americans because of projection.

Watch all of the words, but never lose sight of this one simple thing. What is America doing about the Black and White wealth gap? All other designations are distractions. There will be time for other discussions after we have closed the Black and White wealth gap with reparations paid to Foundational Black Americans.

What’s the wisdom? Keep it simple. Black and White wealth gap is the issue.

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