Interracial Wisdom: The Plot to Steal America

I believe that many of the fundamental trends in white supremacist politics and rhetoric serve a common ideological purpose. That purpose is to create an intellectual and cultural environment to justify the expropriation of land, property, and other wealth from Foundational Black Americans while instituting a permanent regime of white privilege in employment and legal protections for whites who harm blacks.

While this statement is not new,  this expropriation is ongoing.

This is not to suggest that direct expropriation is the conscious strategy of all participants in these movements. Like every good political strategy, the white supremacist has an exoteric and esoteric meaning—there is an “inner party,” a limited group that understands what the end game is, even if at times they may not even express it to themselves, and a far larger, more diverse, and less sophisticated “outer party” that simply thinks that attacking “Black Americans” is fighting for “justice.”

Different white political actors are working in their own fields to obtain benefits and status at the expense of blacks. These individuals and groups are not engaged in an active conspiracy—there is no “Protocols of the Elders of White Supremacist.” But there is a conscious effort by those in the political system to delegitimize Black Americans and to retell the American story in a way that makes Black the villains to justify expropriating the vast wealth and prosperity largely produced by Foundational Black American slavery over several centuries on behalf of the new European-American people.

The social phenomenon of expropriation is, of course, not unique to American Blacks. The forced expropriations of the Chinese in Indonesia, Jews in Nazi Germany, Tutsis in Rwanda, and Indians in Uganda are just a few of the many recent historical examples where this has occurred. I do not suggest that violence on the scale that we witnessed in these countries is the likely outcome in the United States. (For one thing, even in a black-minority America, black numbers will be much larger, and there will be no one dominant group to oppress them.) On the other hand, for those who have eyes to see it, a great deal of interracial violence of which blacks are disproportionately and increasingly victimized has an overt or scarcely hidden undertone of racial revenge.

For now, appeals to expropriation are usually indirect. But over time, these appeals will become more direct and in need of less justification as the political power of black Americans continues to decline.


Central to the idea of the American Dream lies an assumption that we all have an equal opportunity to generate the kind of wealth that brings meaning to the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” boldly penned in the Declaration of Independence. The American Dream portends that with hard work, a person can own a home, start a business, and grow a nest egg for generations to draw upon. This belief, however, has been defied repeatedly by the United States government’s own decrees that denied wealth-building opportunities to Black Americans.

Today, the average white family has roughly 10 times the amount of wealth as the average Black family. White college graduates have over seven times more wealth than Black college graduates. Making the American Dream an equitable reality demands the same U.S. government that denied wealth to Blacks restore that deferred wealth through reparations to their descendants in the form of individual cash payments in the amount that will close the Black-white racial wealth divide.

Black Americans are the only group that has not received reparations for state-sanctioned racial discrimination, while slavery afforded white families the ability to accrue tremendous wealth. And, we must note that American slavery was particularly brutal.

We know the monetary value that was placed on enslaved Blacks and the productivity of their labor, inventions, as well as the amount of the racial wealth gap. We’ve seen other groups receive restitutions while the federal government pulled back reparations for Black Americans. Accordingly, if we want to close the racial wealth gap and live up to our moral creed to protect “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” a federal reparations package for Foundational Black Americans is in order.


Lord have mercy on Foundational Black Americans (FBA) and restore what the canker worm hath eaten and the palmer worm hath destroyed. Replace the system of injustice done to FBA and impute justice. Forgive our sin and heal our land and bring the impoverished back from lowest rungs of society, like you did for Israelis in Egypt. Look on us and look at the wage disparity for the same labor.

We are unable to rectify the issue without your power. We need your power to bring us to parity with whites as whole citizens. You said, we have not because we do not ask, I am asking to see your power in this dispensation, while we wait for the Savior to return. In Jesus name Amen.

Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty (James 5:4).


  1. America from its founding has been both black and white. White masters and black slaves. White ownership was challenged in the 17th century and is being challenged in the 21st. The founding black Americans have been on the lowest economic rung for all of American history. Reparation cries have come and gone. God may be almost ready to lift black Americans from the poverty bin. He may be waiting for collective founding black American prayer toward that end. It was the cries of Israel that moved God to action. Will founding black Americans cry out to God? Will they listen to His wisdom?


  2. The LGBTQ are the ones plotting a take over. They are currently using the racist whites and the victimized blacks and shields for their elevation. The racist whites are so concerned with founding black Americans getting out of poverty, they welcome the white LGBTQ that is detrimental to their ideology.


  3. Parity with whites is not expected for at least another 320 years. You blacks will have to wait a millennia before you see parity with whites in economic power.


  4. The rank and file black person will vote Democratic. They have been conditioned to appreciate being poor as a badge of honor and they wear it well. This is why the SYSBM have fallen in-love with white women. The Passport Bros have sought white Hispanic and Asian women and even white Indians.


  5. As black celebrity invited us into their homes through shows like MTV cribs, we forgot the condition of overall African American financial affairs. Despite a large section of the 14 million black householdsdrowning in poverty and debt the stories of a few are told as if they represent those of millions, not thousands. It is this new veil of economics that has allowed for a broad swath of America to become not just desensitized to black poverty, but also hypnotized by black celebrity.


  6. Black Americans born poor are much less likely to move up the income ladder than whites. The lack of reparations after their enslavement is an obstacle that continues to stifle their economic growth. All other measures have to failed to bring them to parity with average white net worth. The gap created by slavery is too large and when the gap was closing white Americans became violent and destroyed their cities and stores. Reparations is the only way to closing the black and white wealth gap. Interracial marriage helps a little, but reparations will be needed for significant change to their poverty level.


  7. I would like to see complete integration. Where the only division is personal preference based on complete objectivity. Today, given the black and white wealth gap the choice is based on economics.


  8. Chamberlain’s Appeasement Policy caused WWII. His Two-State Solution for the Czech Republic destroy freedom till the fall of the USSR in 1991. Does Gaza compare to Post WWII Prussia? Yes. Both Oct 7th Israel & Dec 7th 1941 US fight/fought a Total War against the enemy. And required the unconditional surrender of that enemy. The Israeli peace plan: a forced population transfer of all Gazans unto the 140 UN members who recognize Palestine as an Independent nation.


    1. Chamberlain’s 1938 Appeasement Policy caused WWII. Democratic majorities do not guarantee political-decision making wisdom. Along with the Hitler/Stalin Non-aggression Pact which permitted the invasion by both countries of Poland.

      Chamberlain’s 1939 White Paper lead to the Holocaust systematic slaughter of 75% of European Jewry, brutally, violently murdered in less than 3 years.

      Jews, like Gazans right now, had no country to which they can flee unto. The US for example: closed their borders to Jewish refugees who fled from the Nazis. Chamberlain’s “Two-State Solution” for the Czech Republic extinguished the light of Czech freedom, till the fall of the USSR in 1991.

      Jews must never forget: Chamberlain, and his democratic majority in Parliament, waving his Peace Treaty, signed with Hitler, yelling: Peace in our Time!!!!

      Chamberlain enjoyed an overwhelming democratic majority in Parliament, just as support in the UN for a Palestinian state currently has massive international support today of UN member states.

      Now,,, does the land of Gaza compare to Post WWII land of Prussia? (Prussia the heart and soul of the 2nd Germanic Empire that collapsed post WWI.) Answer: Most emphatically YES.

      Both Oct 7th Israel, & Dec 7th 1941 United States, (fight/fought) a Total War against a coward enemy. No negotiations, No deals, flat out unconditional surrender or atomic bombs death. Like as fell upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      Those wars both then and now (require//required) the total unconditional surrender of that most despicable enemy, whose arrogant leaders led their people to make a destiny determining fateful surprise attack upon an unsuspecting nation.

      Post the Oct 7th Abomination War: The Israeli peace plan: a forced population transfer of all Gazans unto the 140 UN member State “democratic majority” —- Peace Now, Cease Fire-Now! Kapo assimilated & intermarried Jews: NOT in our Name –- whose Democratic majority Appeasement Policy recognizes Palestine as an Independent nation.


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