Protecting Your Babies In Sodom

Trans designer whose ‘satanist’ brand was pulled by Target sees orders surge. Transgender designer Erik Carnell has seen a surge in demand for his pins, prints, stickers and T-shirts after retailer Target pulled his products amid a backlash by some customers to its LGBTQAI+ collection, he said on Thursday.

Target’s LGBTQAI+ collection included more than 2,000 products from clothes and music to home furnishings, and while several are under review the only ones removed so far from its website and stores are from Carnell’s brand Abprallen.

Target said this year’s LGBTQAI+ collection led to an increase in confrontations between customers and employees and incidents of LGBTQAI+ merchandise being thrown on the floor.

We are seeing in real time how Sodom and Gomorrah came into existence. However, this time Sodom and Gomorrah will be times 3. Pompeii was times 2. Protecting yourself in this type of environment is extremely difficult and based upon those two cities, the remnant is extremely small. For the battles we see at Target over what agenda will be financed is not over. Boycotts are also less effective in our day because of the stock market. Companies are not stand alone.

So what does one do? Its easy and hard at the same time. Feed them a steady diet of the Word. Point out when so-called Christians depart from it. You attend a church with a female pastor? This departure from the Word will grow into other departures. It is the small foxes that spoil the vine. A small departure will grow into a large one. This is information that your children will need to know. Because as Sodom and Gomorrah forms, the masses will obey people like Erik Carnell, the self-proclaimed Satan worshiper. Who is doing what Satan has commissioned him to do. He is carrying out the devil’s commands. Your children for lack of a better word are his target.

You can raise them to be Christian in Sodom, but their Bible diet must be extensive. You must also possess the ability to show them the power of God. Teach them early, how to depend on Him. Let them see you pray. If they do not see you depending on God, then neither will they.

1 Comment

  1. Sadly, the Bible prophecies destruction to the masses. Few will be able to follow your blog.


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