Interracial Wisdom: Compounded Love

You represent the beginning of society. Written inside your framework is God’s image. The natural power that flows has caused God to place a thorn between you. For the LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6). The power found in unity has no limit and thus God confounded the language and brought confusion to the earth to slow down His creatures from reaching heaven without Him. God gave man a governor.

God is not opposed to unity, however, its object is of upmost importance to Him. The only unity that God blesses is the unification under the umbrella of His gospel. If two agree in Christ, then the power of God is with you and you have power to ask and receive. “For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (Colossians 2:9-10).

So what is compounded love and how do you access this love within your marriage?

You feed it. You make sure its belly is full. Then, you feed it some more. I have been known to call it overdosing on Scripture. How do you overdose on Scripture? You read more Bible then you can retain. Take time to read several of Paul’s letters in one sitting. For example, read out loud Colossians all the way to the end of 2 Timothy. There will be a lot of information, but as you are reading certain things will stick out as highlighters, you may write them down, but keep reading. When you read the Bible out loud, you are feeding on it. The more you feed, the more your love compounds. Overdosing on the Word leads to compounded love.

A huge enemy to most is secular music. Secular music is so dangerous because it feeds hatred without the user knowing. The victims experience the evil fruit of sleepless nights, depression, suicidal ideation and failed relationships, but are blind to its root. Do not let the enemy trick you into believing our diet does not matter. It is the most important part.

Let us overdose on reading God’s Word and rejoice in the affects of compounding love within our relationships with one another.


  1. Many miss out on this compounded love because they inadequately develop the type of intimacy with God that requires His swift response to them He loves.

    We cannot avoid private time with God. Our corporate time is a supplement. It is not the meal. The meal is private worship.

    Compounded love to the private God worshippers.


  2. Don’t miss God by not thanking Him. When we are looking at the compounded love of others and that spirit of envy creeps, recognize who it is. That spirit of envy is an evil spirit. It pursues the one that is closest to the blessing. Don’t let it rob you. Keep your heart on thanking God.


  3. What is more beautiful than seeing white women and black men in love? Even I get it. And I’m a white man.


  4. One white woman commented earlier that her sister married a black man and it led her family to disown her. But then after a year they had their first child. The grandmother invited her back to see the baby. Then the grandad also came around slowly. She said they are such a beautiful couple and the baby is so beautiful it has removed all of her fear about dating black men. She wrote she feels ready now, to date a black man. What a touching story. Hopefully she is married with black babies now also. Let’s end racism now.


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