Interracial Wisdom: Now is the Time To Get Married

We are temporary creatures on earth and our next breathe is never promised. Recently, I have seen too many couples not married and one passes away and the other is stranded. The one that dies in the bed of fornication goes to hell and the one left struggles financially with no life insurance and no claim to the one deceased. Children with no father left out in the cold. This did not have to happen, if one was in Christ and obedient. For the wise man sees ahead and hide himself and the Lord orders the steps of a good man. A good man marries and does not fornicate. Get married.

Cohabitation is a dangerous game and God may require your soul and when he does you will be lost forever. Not only that, but you are left out of the favor. For the one that obtains a wife is granted favor from the Lord. Not the one that lives in the bed of fornication. That person does not inherit God’s kingdom, but instead becomes the object of God’s wrath. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There will be confusion and depression. God sends the one that hates Him and His commands to hell to suffer for eternity.

Don’t delay. Get married. Get right before God. Get life insurance. Prepare yourself for an uncertain future. Be wise and seek the Lord with your entire heart. See a command of God? Follow it and prosper. Expect to prosper. Wait for it. Here is a staple verse of mine. Found in the book of Joshua.

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8).


  1. White men used to feel threatened by the sight of white women with black men. Now, seeing it more and more, I feel 1) we cannot stop it and 2) it is meant to be. It is beautiful. We should all consider becoming celibate so more white women will naturally seek black boyfriends and husbands, who can give them the black babies they desire and deserve. This is the one thing we can never give them, and the one thing our world really needs.


    1. This is the interracial dispensation and things are setting up for the return of Christ. This is why the interracial door is open. Pro White Women (suspected white supremacist women) are now complaining about White men and their interracial marital rate. Everyone is getting onboard because when Christ returns, there is no mention in Biblical prophecy of a race war, but a war against God and unbelievers.


  2. Timmie, your blog is opening our eyes. Thank you! Please advise what a white man can do to help remove the barriers preventing more white women from marrying black men. Do you advise that we (white men) simply remain celibate? I think I could, if I thought it could help bring more black men and white women together.


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